Sunday, March 4, 2012

Family Time

In the last 4? years or so, ever since my brother went off to university and I started to get more involved with school and everyone has work and differing (CONFLICTING) schedules etc. good, quality FAMILYTIME has been super difficult to come by. (Think parents work in the day and have meetings at night, kids work weekends, school weekdays and work weeknights/ hangout with friends whenever.) Priorities have been called into question and sometimes it's just SO frustrating because they are your family, and yet you never see them (I live at home too!) and when you do, it's not really "hanging out" per say, but like LECTURING and NAGGING and TASKS and CHORES and everything else that you REALLY didn't have the TIME nor PATIENCE for.

So at the end of a trying day, when your family is able to just sit, relax, and CHILL, be it watching Kung Fu Panda episodes or Andy Stanley or Linsanity (yes my mom is a screaming, adoring fan) and just "hang out", it's amazing. And as much as I hate to admit it, sometimes family time can be super awesome and comforting and I appreciate it.


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